Monday 15 June 2015

#29 Spelling

Happpppyyyy Monday!

A lot of people that know me, KNOW I am the spelling fiend.. the spelling police.. etc..
It's only because it is very important to know the correct spelling of words! And fortunately, and unfortunately for me I've lived in two completely different areas of the world where the spelling varies.. so that is the only thing that can catch me out.
Otherwise.. spelling is my thing.

And to you my dear writers and readers out there in the world wide web.. what words catch you out when writing that story-- or even reading a story? Are there words that you tend to mix up when writing your first or second drafts of stories and such?

Well... I want to tell you the words that I have to kind of go, 'No that's not how you spell it' before I correctly spell the words..

'Humour' (In the states-- where I used to live, they spell it like this: 'Humor'..)
I get the 'there's' mixed up when I'm writing my raw drafts.

Those are my most common words that stop me in my tracks. (From the top of my head)
And it's normal-- sometimes we have our moments where the spelling doesn't flow or we second guess ourselves-- that's why we have our trusty dictionaries and thesaurus'

Obviously we know the meanings of them and where we need to place them.. it's just the spelling that tends to leave us for a brief moment!

But yes, what are your words that you tend to second guess or misspell?


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