Tuesday 2 June 2015

#24 Voice

When you're reading either an article or a story, do you manage to hear a 'voice'? I'm not talking about voices.. none of us are going insane.. but when we write something, we want a particular 'voice' to come across to our readers-- whether it would be a humorous voice, a sarcastic voice, a serious voice with humorous undertones; are you writing in a first person voice? Second? Third? depending on what you are writing.. if you are able to grasp for that 'voice' to be heard by your reader, you are well on your way to creating a journey for your reader.

Now I believe we are all aware of the First, Second and Third person voice-- and if you need a refresher:

First person: "I would have loved for her to fall flat on her face" 
The main pronoun here is 'I' making it very personal-- and the plural form is 'We.'

Second person: 'You would never expect to hear that kind of language out of his mouth...'
This voice is used to address the reader-- it helps the reader to become a little more involved in the story-- you know.. kind of make them feel like they are part of what's going on.

Third Person: "He needed to speak to her. He needed to see her, to touch her, to smell her."
This is THE most common voice used with fiction writing and it just.. works

So you see that? Voice is definitely one of the key components to get your story across and get it across clearly and concisely.
Depending on what kind of story your writing and what the plot holds, the voice should accompany it accordingly-- and trust me, you'll know right off the bat what voice to use once you start writing.

That one I cannot advise you.. after all--- we can create our own worlds!

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