Monday 29 June 2015


Well my dear writers and readers...

I'm going on a little hiatus.. so I can gather up more content for you lovely guys out there!

Check out my personal blog: for my own pieces of writing as well as other things!

See you soon


Friday 26 June 2015

Friday Flicks: The Real

I've indulged in this talk show since it managed to reach the UK!

I love it... each host is diverse in their own way, with their own experiences to share and their personalities. Who would of thought Tamar Braxton, Adrienne Bailon, Tamera Mowry Housley, Jeannie Mai (Never heard of her until this show, but love her!) and Loni Love would all be such a perfect formula for a talk show?

It's just great.

What do you think about The Real?

Thursday 25 June 2015

Comment time: So many killings?

I don't know about you.. but I have been reading far too many news stories of people dying, accidents and whole nine.

The newspaper has become especially grim over the past couple of weeks and I believe it is a call for concern.

Have you heard the story about the young pregnant lady in Peckham who got kicked in the stomach deliberately and lost her baby? What about the shooting in one of the American churches? What about the story about a cyclist being hit by truck a couple of days ago? Oh how about the 25 year old boy who beheaded his Grandmother?

I mean.. what is going on here? Have you noticed throughout the year.. there are particular times where there is a good week or a good couple of days where all you see are killings/suicides/deaths?

Doesn't this worry you?
Doesn't it make you think about your own life?
Doesn't it make you feel a little more cautious when you are out there in the world?

It just reminds me how precious life actually is.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

#34 It's ok to not like your work

And this is what it feels like when you've written your first draft.. you read through it.. and you literally don't like ANYTHING. 

It's ok.

You'll live.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

#33 Don't Censor yourself

As you are in your draft stages of your story, novel, novella, poem-- whatever it maybe, do you find that you end up 'editing' yourself as you are writing?


Don't do it! Well at least, not in the drafting stages! The first drafts, second drafts.. third drafts.. and yeah.. however many drafts, these are the raw stages of your creation.. and the last thing you want to do is censor it and possibly limit its effect.

If you want your character to be a sweary character.. let them! When you get to your final stages, that's when you tweak (almost wanted to say twerk..!) everything and make it all polished and nice.
Obviously, you still need a purpose to why you have put particular things in your story.. but let everything flow out before you censor, delete, edit, whatever it is you find yourself doing!

I find that I end up editing myself in my raw stages.. and then I end up doing it throughout and it doesn't really help me to flow like I should.

I find it a little stifling.. but it's something that I'm learning not to do right at the beginning; and wait to do it a little later down the line.

Have you noticed yourself doing this? What are your thoughts on it? Does it help you? Does it hinder your 'flow'?

Talk to me people!!!

Monday 22 June 2015

#32 Visualize

As a writer.. do you tend to visualize each scene as you're writing it?

The way that your character speaks; the way their lips curl when saying the words...
The expression that's on their face...
How they move...
The area they are at the time-- what's there? Is it a desolate area? Is the weather cold? Hot? Is it a busy area with noise from multitudes of people?
The way their houses look...

I think visualizing your story and how you want it to be is such a great tool and is SO effective when describing things, and implementing that 'Show don't tell' rule!

Because if you can't imagine what's going on in your story, how do you think any other reader that embarks on your story will? And even if they do imagine it, will they be able to grasp the reason to what is happening in your particular scene? Unless you are the kind of writer that likes for your readers to have their own revelations, instead of seeing exactly what you want them to see (We have that capability as writers!)

But yes. I love to visualize. It gets me motivated. It gets me excited. At some points I can't wait to see what happens next--yet I am the one that's creating the story! Sounds crazy, huh? Well it happens! And it's a good feeling when that happens.. because you are your own critic; but if you find yourself getting caught up in your own creation-- chances are your readers will too!

Try this scene to visualize:

A couple are arguing in their bedroom; they have been together for just over a year. They are a young couple. mid 20's. The woman is a little taller than the man; the woman is the one who is upset. She is shouting. Tears are flowing from her face. She is wondering why he's changed-- why he doesn't come home for days-- why in bed he seems distant. The man isn't as emotional, and he interrupts each time the woman tries to make a statement. The argument gets too much-- and he slaps her.

You can gather what's probably going on here.. but more importantly, can you SEE it? Can you see the anger in the woman's face? The tears? Can you feel the tension between them? Can you see how their bodies are? Can you see the bedroom?

I believe we all do this as writers.. but it's best to sometimes take a scene out of your story and visualize it.. see if you can see it all-- and then describe it.

Trust me. It's so effective and so fun to do.

Friday 19 June 2015

Friday Flicks: 'Humans'

I know it's not a movie; but I found this new series SO cool!

I am NOT usually a sci-fi fan, but this show has already got me hooked. It started on Sunday last week and it's really interesting.
The first episode showed us a little back story of a particular group of 'Synths' that seemed to be on the run-- and three of them were captured.

We then find that they are bought by families to be helper robots.

I don't want to give away too much.. but it was on Channel 4, so you can easily catch up on 4OD online!

But yeah.. I wanted to watch it because of all of the creepy adverts I was seeing about it-- and it seems pretty interesting.

Every Sunday at 9pm on Channel 4! 

Thursday 18 June 2015

#31 Pinterest

I'm sure you guys have heard of an App called 'Pinterest'?

Does the icon ring any bells?

Well.. I believe this app is an IMMENSE tool for writing inspiration.

As the world is becoming more and more technologically intelligent, we as writers also need to get with the times!

Obviously.. there are some old habits that we can't kick.. like writing out your draft on paper or in your various notebooks (I still do that..)

But.. have you ever used pictures as a tool for writing inspiration? I've created a 'Writing inspiration' board on my Pinterest, and I have some pictures on there and associated them with particular themes, so if I ever feel a little less motivated or don't have inspiration, I go there and I immediately get ideas-- I think with associating the pictures with themes, it helped me to be able to form a little story in my head-- I'm a very visual person.. and as long as I can see something.. I immediately get inspired.. and I can already start picturing scenes in my head.

I believe we all have smart phones... so download the app 'Pinterest' and see how you get on.

If you want to follow me on there, just pop a comment in the box and we can be Pinterest buddies!

If you don't have a smartphone, you can do it online.

We can never stop having sources for writing inspiration!

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Comment Time- Rachel Dolezal & Being 'Transracial'

So... this 'comment time' had to be a little earlier this week because.. well!

I was on my Instagram last weekend.. just scrolling through my timeline.. and I see all of these '#askrachel' memes all over the place:

And I was like.. what is going on? And then when I googled '#askrachel' my brain was refreshed. So this woman has been posing as black, but she was 'outed' by her parents that she is indeed, white.

Now.. I really have no clue how to react to this. Should I be offended? Should I be humored by it? I'm really just on the fence-- I really suspect it's some kind of ploy with underlying racism. But I'm not offended nor upset about it.. I'm more concerned with the woman at hand.

Was there something that happened to her when she was younger that has caused her to be 'Transracial' (That term makes me cringe a little..)
Or has she had something traumatic happen to her to deny her God given race?
I know we all poke fun at the story, (with the thousands of memes on Instagram/facebook) but what was the purpose of the story coming out now? And then being compared to Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner's story?
I mean, in this video she is clearly asked if she is African American.. and she cannot answer.

I really don't know.. the story makes me wonder.

Thoughts anybody?

Tuesday 16 June 2015

#30 Be Real

In life, (admit it...) there are times where we need to put on such a facade when we enter into particular places-- when we go to our workplaces we have to wear a smile for 8 hours, because no one needs to know that our house is falling apart behind closed doors. And quite frankly, no one really needs to know because it's not their business to know!

But when it comes to writing.. it is the place where we can pour out our hearts and our souls to so many people that we may, or may not meet.. but the main point is that we were REAL in telling that story. We were able to depict that EXACT emotion.. that scenario that is in the story, we were able to write it as if we are writing someone's life.

It may sound crazy what I'm saying.. but I believe when we write.. we write what people are afraid to say.. what they are afraid to feel, what they are afraid to accept. This is the essence of writing.. of telling the UNTOLD story. We all have so many things we keep inside due to the fear of someone spreading what we have said, exaggerating it, gossiping about it.. but when we write, there is that anonymity.. of being able to CREATE a world in which we can control what's happening, and we can decide what to write about, what to display, what to share with the person that is reading. Yes, what we are writing is fictional, but there must be an element that the reader is able to relate to; and if you're writing non fiction.. well!!

I believe when we are real, when we are raw, there is a feeling that the reader gets: 'This is speaking to me' or 'Oh my God, this is exactly what I am going through!' and I believe that gives the reader that much hope, that much reassurance that they will see the end of what they are going through, and that they are not alone in whatever situation they have had to bear. The words we decide to use, they all are part of the equation-- to communicate that story that person was afraid to open their mouth and say.

Writing is power-- and when it is used in the right way, it can most certainly change lives for the better.

Monday 15 June 2015

#29 Spelling

Happpppyyyy Monday!

A lot of people that know me, KNOW I am the spelling fiend.. the spelling police.. etc..
It's only because it is very important to know the correct spelling of words! And fortunately, and unfortunately for me I've lived in two completely different areas of the world where the spelling varies.. so that is the only thing that can catch me out.
Otherwise.. spelling is my thing.

And to you my dear writers and readers out there in the world wide web.. what words catch you out when writing that story-- or even reading a story? Are there words that you tend to mix up when writing your first or second drafts of stories and such?

Well... I want to tell you the words that I have to kind of go, 'No that's not how you spell it' before I correctly spell the words..

'Humour' (In the states-- where I used to live, they spell it like this: 'Humor'..)
I get the 'there's' mixed up when I'm writing my raw drafts.

Those are my most common words that stop me in my tracks. (From the top of my head)
And it's normal-- sometimes we have our moments where the spelling doesn't flow or we second guess ourselves-- that's why we have our trusty dictionaries and thesaurus'

Obviously we know the meanings of them and where we need to place them.. it's just the spelling that tends to leave us for a brief moment!

But yes, what are your words that you tend to second guess or misspell?


Friday 12 June 2015

Friday Flicks: The other Woman

I watched this film last weekend and I did kind of know what to expect.. but at the same time I did enjoy it and laughed my head off!

So it's pretty much this: Woman sleeps with man, man is married, woman that slept with man finds out.. and they team up for revenge.
But then they both find out that the man 'cheated' on them with a third woman.. and they all team up as a trio and plan on how to bring him down.

We later find out that the man has a sex problem.. he can't resist a woman.. but claims he loves his wife.. etc.

I won't reveal what they do-- but is more than hilarious and the guy definitely got what he deserved!
The movie has a very simple plot, but I find that is a formula for a good film.

Very lighthearted-- these 3 ladies form a great friendship out of an awkward situation, and you see that they all really needed each other and supported each other into entering a healthy relationship, and valuing their self worth.

Out of 10 I would give it an 8-- it's one of those predictable films, but it's very entertaining to watch and it does warm the heart.

Thursday 11 June 2015

Comment Time: Viral video: Black Teen attacked by Police man

I have seen the most atrocious thing this week: A police officer-- Not in this country-- in America, attacking a black teen and some others at a pool party.

Lets take race out of it for a second: How would you feel if you were just having a casual party with some friends and all of a sudden you're pinned down by a police man for no apparent reason?

Well. That's exactly what happened. In every news report I see... the words 'Black' 'Teen' 'Police' are plastered all over the article.

That's not even my point.

It's not as if the teenagers in the video were drunk and disorderly, or causing a raucous.. they were just having a good time and got RANDOMLY assaulted by a police officer (Oh, the irony)

What is happening right now?


It infuriates me not only because innocent young people were hurt, but it was-- and this is where race needs to come in-- young black teens. They weren't fighting.. they weren't doing anything to cause a fuss.

And according to this most recent article; they ARE saying that the attack was racially motivated.

Either way, it's crude, unfair and downright grotesque. There was no need for it. I mean, did the police officer just see a group of black people, assume they were going to be violent and decided to take it upon himself to be violent also?

I mean. Come on. We have enough stereotypes as it is; and to be quite frank, he was mistaken. Big time.

And now 'coincidentally' the police officer has now resigned...

But I have question.. isn't the police's duty to 'Protect and serve'? What he did was neither...


Wednesday 10 June 2015

#28 'I've tried everything, nothing's coming...'

Have you ever said this to yourself, or to a fellow writer colleague?

It's not unusual... but it's so easy to not write anything for months when you've convinced yourself that 'Nothing is coming'

I guess you could say that this is another form of Writer's block.. but think about it deeply.. have you REALLY tried everything?
Or is it just the case of.. 'It's not coming. I give up.?'

No, no, no!

Go on Twitter. Google random words. Read up on old stories you have written.

There are so many ways to ignite that writing flame. I find looking at photography sometimes sparks the ol creative writing juices.

If you're a little tech savvy, make a Pinterest-- it's a great tool for some inspiration.

If you're sitting there mentally thinking 'I don't know what to write!'

Get up. Get up now.


Tuesday 9 June 2015

#27 CV for the Creative Writer, Aspiring Writer.. etc

Have you ever written a CV with just your writing accomplishments or jobs?

If you want to look for a writing job just for a little extra cash, or if it is your passion to do, I have a couple of easy steps to make the writing process a little easier to bare.

It's pretty much like a regular CV or Resume, the same structure etc.. but you list chronologically the jobs you did, the subject matter of what you wrote, and any other details, for example if it was an interview.. etc.

So lets get to the steps:

Step 1: Be specific. Instead of putting something like 'Wrote for 'title of magazine'.. as much as the magazine maybe prestigious, you always need to write what you did. So you can put that you wrote for the magazine-- what kind of piece was it? Did it involve interviewing a particular person? What was the topic on? Was it a regular column? Was it a feature? A lot of writing establishments are more focused on what you write as well as how you write-- every place has a particular niche that they fall into and if they see you write what they like, they will most definitely take you on board.

Step 2: Short and sweet. As much as you applying for a writer's job.. people that look over CV's never READ it.. they SCAN it. So.. it goes for anyone applying for their job with a CV.
So what do you need to do? 
Use the magical bullet points. If you write in paragraphs.. unless you have a little grace and the person that is looking over it actually is considerate and reads it... your CV will be overlooked.
As much as it will be short.. let it be short and punchy. So instead of writing 'I did an interview with so so concerning pasta bakes'
You can write 'Interviewed award winning chef... about pasta bakes' 
Do you kind of get where I'm coming from? 
Maximum 3 bullet points unless you've done a lot and make sure it is catchy and relevant to what you want to apply for.
You have to really sell yourself, and you will be noticed.

Step 3: Keep your Portfolio updated. I once applied for magazine writer position and they asked me to bring my portfolio of writing--- I didn't really think that they would need a portfolio, but luckily, I do have my trusty folder of all of my articles and things that I have written over the years-- but when going to an interview, It's always good to  go with your most recent pieces, because it reflects your current writing style, etc. You never know when they can ask, so if you have yet to update your portfolio.. do it now!

3 Short and simple steps-- I hope this has helped a budding writer who is frantically applying for writer jobs-- do not worry I'm not far from you!


Monday 8 June 2015

#26 When in Doubt...

Whenever you are in doubt of finding an idea or plot for a story-- use yourself and your own experiences.

I know this is probably what you all do anyway-- but it doesn't have to be a major experience or life threatening thing that's happened to you or someone that you know. it can be as intricate as a very memorable kiss, to something as huge as... (Fill in the gap.. lol)

But just something to get the ball rolling, you know?
You don't need to write EXACTLY how it happened-- especially if it involves someone else.. they may not want to be exposed like that.
That is where the creativity of it all comes in.. and you create another story out of your real life experience.

I find it a lot of fun to make up another story but use bits and pieces of my own real life experience to where I see fit.

Just one of the fun things about being a writer I suppose!

And obviously having different forms of stories to write these stories in(will get into those soon!) also make it fun..,

So chop chop! Get to thinking.. get to writing!

Friday 5 June 2015

Friday Flicks: Spiderman Trilogy Vs The Amazing Spiderman


**Spoilers imminent** (But I believe by now you have seen Spider-Man I hope!)

The Spider-mans have been showing on Television a lot of recent..
I am SUCH a marvel superhero nerd, and I am a huge fan of the Spider-man trilogy (When Tobey Maguire was Spider-man) and the 3 spider-man's were amazing.. I loved each one of them-- they captured the essence of MJ and Peter's relationship so well-- you know Peter being in love with her since they were young-- MJ being 'the girl next door'.. *dreamy sigh*
The first Spider-man was of course becoming familiar with the story of how Spider-man became Spider-man, as well as his first villian, The Green Goblin, who comes to being through a scientific experiment gone wrong (Like how all villians are created..) who is Harry's (Played by James Franco) who is 'Peter Parker's' best friend father.
The movie ends with him (Harry's Father who is the green goblin) dying.
As well as Peter's Uncle, dying.

The second Spider-man is the best one in my opinion.. Mary Jane and Peter are happily together, in love.. everything-- Mary Jane knows that Peter is Spider-man... Harry finds out that it was Peter (Spider-man) who 'killed' (Harry does get told, even though Peter also said it, how his father actually dies) his father and begins to seek revenge.. (continues into the third Spider-man) and another new villian is on the horizon, 'Doctor Octopus' again created by an experiment gone wrong...
As well as Harry picking up where his dad left off... (The Green Goblin.. ahem)

The Third Spider-man introduces a new black suited Spider-man (Venom) which can be seen as the 'bad' Spider-man-- some weird matter from space lands on earth and is attracted to anger and aggression.. and it has parasitic behaviour... so once attached to its 'host' it's very hard for them to come out-- but I won't spoil this one. Harry and Peter reconcile their friendship... Peter and Mary Jane enter a rocky patch in their relationship..(in more ways than one..)
Peter comes into competition with another photographer in town..
Yet another villian on the horizon, 'Sandman' who we later find out that he was the one that killed Peter's uncle...
Harry dies in this Spider-man and it STILL gets me every time.


'The Amazing Spiderman' came after a 5 year gap after Spider-man 3. A new 'Peter Parker' a new 'Mary Jane Watson' a new 'Harry'.. I believe this movie did not meet up to my expectations of Spider-man and I believe it did not do Spider-man any justice.
The movie felt half-assed, and the actors for me didn't do justice to the characters.

I don't know.. maybe because my loyalty lies with Tobey forever being Spider-man and Red haired Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane.,..
But no. The Amazing Spider-man does not get my vote.

Thursday 4 June 2015

#25 Punctuation Power

We are getting into the technicalities.. the nitty gritty!

So. I believe we are fully aware at how much of an effect punctuation has on writing, and overall response from the reader.

Would you like to read something that is so cool and so amazing and so wonderful I really want to tell you but I don't know when I can stop!

Did you see that? Didn't you find it annoying that there was no pause or break? If you didn't notice I even capitalized my 'I', because internally I have put a full stop after wonderful-- that would have been a run on sentence but at least you were able to catch a breath!

But obviously the purpose of punctuation is for a particular effect.

"No." and "No!" are two completely different expressions. The first no with a full stop is more a statement, whereas the second no is an exclamation. All I did was change the type of punctuation I used and it made the word completely different!

This seems extremely basic, but it is good to just know HOW much of an effect punctuation can have on your chosen piece of writing. That is why it is always so so SO important to know exactly why you are using a particular form of punctuation, and why you want that kind of effect. Something that I learned on my Creative Writing course always echoes in my mind when I write, and that is 'Make sure you have a reason for everything on the page'
You are the one creating, so you must know where and why you are placing your words as well as your punctuation.

We tend to overlook punctuation but it does serve its purpose-- and when used accordingly, your readers will enjoy everything you write.

Try it out.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Comment Time: 'Facebook to Ban Religious Posts and Memes'


I'm not very happy at this moment in time. Why did I see this ridiculous post about Facebook banning religious posts and memes?
Where they are going to pretty much ban all religious groups made on Facebook; will not permit religious status updates or pictures. And they are even going to filter out words like 'Jesus' 'Church' 'Prayer' and 'God' WHAT?

First of all.. for this country, the United Kingdom, don't you know that this is actually a Christian country? It's supposed to be, anyway.
But, it's not as if religious people are bible bashing every user on the social network-- all they are doing is posting what is important to them.

So you want to ban religious posts but still allow people to disgrace themselves by uploading naked vidoes of themselves and other people?
How does that make any sense?
You'd prefer for someone to be exposed in a negative light rather than to say something encouraging or uplifting to thousands of people via the internet?

I think this is beyond ridiculous and the plea came from Athiesm groups. I have nothing against Athiests.. but don't they too also believe in something? There is no one in this world that doesn't believe in something-- if it's not God, it could be the 'Universe' or 'Mother Nature' or the 'Stars' whatever it is, you believe in it, so why take away someone's freedom of writing in who they believe in? Or sharing in who they believe in?

Completely unfair and goes against having Freedom of Speech.


Tuesday 2 June 2015

#24 Voice

When you're reading either an article or a story, do you manage to hear a 'voice'? I'm not talking about voices.. none of us are going insane.. but when we write something, we want a particular 'voice' to come across to our readers-- whether it would be a humorous voice, a sarcastic voice, a serious voice with humorous undertones; are you writing in a first person voice? Second? Third? depending on what you are writing.. if you are able to grasp for that 'voice' to be heard by your reader, you are well on your way to creating a journey for your reader.

Now I believe we are all aware of the First, Second and Third person voice-- and if you need a refresher:

First person: "I would have loved for her to fall flat on her face" 
The main pronoun here is 'I' making it very personal-- and the plural form is 'We.'

Second person: 'You would never expect to hear that kind of language out of his mouth...'
This voice is used to address the reader-- it helps the reader to become a little more involved in the story-- you know.. kind of make them feel like they are part of what's going on.

Third Person: "He needed to speak to her. He needed to see her, to touch her, to smell her."
This is THE most common voice used with fiction writing and it just.. works

So you see that? Voice is definitely one of the key components to get your story across and get it across clearly and concisely.
Depending on what kind of story your writing and what the plot holds, the voice should accompany it accordingly-- and trust me, you'll know right off the bat what voice to use once you start writing.

That one I cannot advise you.. after all--- we can create our own worlds!

Monday 1 June 2015

#23 Inspiration: You don't know who needs your words

Facebook has a little feature where you can write 'notes'.. I use it every so often to write encouraging posts.. or sometimes just to write bits of my stories or a whole story-- just because.

After a while I get a little discouraged because I feel as if no one is reading it.. there's no comments.. sometimes there are 'likes'.. sometimes no 'likes' at all, and it happens almost everyday.
One person that I know came and said to me 'Your notes, I read them a lot and they are really good'

I was shocked.

I honestly felt like no one was reading them. I felt like I was just wasting my time.. wasting my words.. wasting my energy.. not knowing that there is someone who is actually reading them and is affected by them.

Your words you write are powerful.. powerful enough to emit emotion, powerful enough to change someone's mind. Wherever you are writing.. if you write articles, if you have your own blog, whatever it is... someone is reading them. They may not comment, they may not 'like' it, but they are reading it everyday-- and your words are making an impact.
This is why we need to use our words in a positive way.. an influential way-- because I keep saying it, we can change the world.

Don't stop writing-- definitely discouragement will come.. you wanna feel like giving up, and you'll start to think that there is no point.. you are mistaken.. there is a point.

Keep writing and keep letting those words flow.
